Leadership in the Age of COVID-19

What we have seen so far from Trump, the nation’s unfit president, and his host of followers, has been appalling, or at best mediocre. First outright denial of the situation, then calling it “the next Democratic hoax,” then repeated brushoffs — calling it nothing, “it will go away when it is warmer,” and saying that there were just a few cases and they were getting better, that tests were easily available to anyone who wanted them, surrounding himself with sycophants to praise how well he was doing, to a final admission, in the past few days, that the situation is truly serious.

By contrast, I give Joe Biden credit for a speech that sounded like what a president should sound like in these times, expressing empathy, detailing a wide range of steps and the enlistment of the country’s resources to fight this, just like a war, followed by a positive note and call for decency and mutual support.

Now is the time for the funds Trump essentially stole from the military budget for his inane vanity wall to be returned to the military for use in constructing emergency hospital and other necessary facilities. Now is the time to return to the goal of rebuilding our infrastructure with a new American Recovery Act to put people to work who have lost jobs and income due to the crisis. Now is the time to stop trying to gut whatever is left of Affordable Healthcare Act (“Obamacare”). Now is the time to provide quick investment funding to businesses that have innovative solutions to provide goods and services while so many are in lockdown or near-lockdown status.

Now is the time to be as un-Trump as possible.