From Dr. Common Good

As a fellow American, I am concerned. You think Trump is the candidate who stands up for you? You think he is the one who cares about you and your values?

My friends, I ask you to take a look at his life and who he is. He is none of that.

If Trump lived in your town, he would be the guy that…

  • Owned a used car dealership that sold defective cars, using fraudulent papers.
  • Caused your grandmother to lose her house because the bank run by his buddies raised interest rates and canceled her mortgage with false accusations of default. Then they would repossess the house and sell it to someone else for a profit. Your grandmother may even try to sue to get her house back, but Trump and his buddies would use their fat-cat lawyers to overwhelm her.
  • Tried to rape or molest your niece, who thought she got a good job working for his company. Then he would deny it, and force her to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
  • Secretly teamed up with a construction company that aimed to build a housing development on land that had been family farms for generations – by planting false information about groundwater pollution and buying up the land for cheap.
  • Pretended to be tough, saying he would be happy to confront anyone who opposed his people on the town council, but then chickened out, using an excuse.
  • Avoided meeting with, or being seen in public with one of your sons or daughters if they were an Iraq war veteran who lost both legs in combat – while in public saying how much he loved our military.

And more.

You think this is bullshit? Look at his actual life. These are the kinds of things he has actually done, over and over. If he makes any other claims, he is lying to you, and treating you as a fool. Don’t let him do that to you. If you are Republican, all power to you. But for the sake of this country vote for a different Republican, one who is not a self-serving, manipulating coward who does not care about you, your town or your country. Trump cares about one thing – himself. No matter what he says, the minute he doesn’t need you for his own purposes he will drop you like a stone.