
I am initiating the Dr. Common Good Blog because recent and current political directions are antithetical to the well-being of either the American people or that of the global community to which we belong. The current administration and its supporters seek to divide the nation, open the door to authoritarian control, run roughshod over national norms and values that undergird democracy, strip away the supportive and protective functions of government and subject the country to private over public interests, promote an ignorant and dangerous environmental policy, abstain from any principled or rational reaction to egregious violations of human rights and sovereignty by other nations as long as financial gain is involved, thoughtlessly cast aside our global allies, ignore history and science, eschew a productive global role and by doing so severely degrade our national security, and tolerate and even support a discriminatory, nativist revanchism at home. There is no doubt that globalism has led to economic as well as social changes, and that there are people and areas in the country that have been vulnerable as a result. Scapegoating, threat-mongering, race-baiting, and false promises are no answer to this. Forward-thinking, common-good solutions are out there. In global affairs, our country has jumped the rails towards a destructive and thoughtless trajectory, neither advancing our own long-term interests nor promoting peace, social justice, democratic values, economic well-being or human rights.  

Dr. Common Good just adds one more voice to the many that want to help put the train back on the track.  More posts to come!